Saturday, 16 July 2011

My First Networking Experience

So as some of you may know, I had my first networking experience on Thursday at Wyrebank Banqueting Suite in Garstang, Lancashire. 

Networking is something that I've been advised to take part in to progress my business and to make some great contacts, however, as a novice, even the thought of it sent shivers down my back! So the day before I was tweeting and googling for advice.  I was told by my close friends and family that I had a great product so just hold my head up high and talk about what I know! Google on the other hand scared me senseless.  Tips included not to talk too much about yourself, to have a set of questions ready to fire out and to get there early to distribute my business cards.  Was making business contacts really going to be so prescribed?

So I set an action plan to be slightly early to scope out the formality of the situation and to play it by ear from there.  I arrived and was given my badge by Sarah from Black Zest Solutions who was hosting the event along with Stuart at The Wyrebank and then came the scary bit... what to do next? I bit the bullet and jumped straight in, marching over to another early arrival and started chatting away (but trying not to talk too much about myself at the same time!).

I needn't have worried, there were some great people there and I finally got to meet Jonathan from Bean Photo after all the help he has given me with the blog! The event was ideal for me to attend as a beginner, before I head off to my next hardcore networking event where I have to stand up and introduce myself and the business (gulp!).  I also felt very priviliged to meet and listen to Nikki Hesford from Miss Fit Uk.  Being an active user of social media I have heard quite a bit about Nikki in twitter world and she certainly lived up to her reputation.  Her talk on social netowkring was both eye opening and enlightening and will certainly change the way I use Twitter.

Stuart had even put on a fancy afternoon tea complete with fruit kebabs, dainty sandwiches and cakes of all kinds. However, I was quickly informed that normally its just tea and biscuits at other events so not to get used to it!
I left Wyrebank feeling elated and happy that a) it had gone really well from a business point of view and b) i had done it on a personal level! Now I can't wait for my next event and for the Brides Up North Tweet Up to meet more like minded people!

Tweet Ups

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