Wednesday, 9 November 2011

A Tweeters Guide To Twitter

I'm no expert on social media but here's a few tips I've picked up in my short time on Twitter:


- Always include your website on your bio.  Then tweeters who need you, know where to get hold of you.

- Your bio should also include what you do and what you tweet about then people know what to expect from you.  They're also more likely to follow you.

- Always have a picture.  Followers like to know who they are following.  At a seminar I was told this must be a photo of yourself as followers like to know who you are.  I'm undecided on this.  If its a business account is it not just of good use to include a picture of your work? Thoughts below please.

- At the same seminar I was told not to include more than one hashtag in a tweet.  I'm not sure why but I try and stick to it.  I'm not sure why I try and stick to it either.

- Save the hashtags that are important to you as searches.  I have saved the hastag 'journorequest.'  When searching this hashtag I may see a tweet that relates to me, it may also be an opportunity to promote my business.

- Retweets are important for your 'status.'  Retweet when people ask for help, or promote offers etc and you'll get to be known as a useful and important tweeter.

- Don't be a salesman.  There's no need to annoy your followers with salesman tweets.  They know where you are if they need you and they will only unfollow you if you do so.

- Be careful what you say.  I've unfollowed several accounts that claim to be professional businesses yet tweet bitchy and unprofessional tweets.  One popular twitterer, who didn't follow me back, once tweeted that if they weren't following you back it was because you were unimportant to me.  That looks very professional to potential clients.  I swiftly unfollowed.

- When I'm looking at a profile to decide whether to follow them or not there is a few things I look at to decide.  I will only follow them if they are local or interested in the same things as me.  I also look at how many followers they have and how many people they are following in return.  Yes they may have 1000 followers but how many people are they following?  If they are following a substantial amount more than they have in followers,  it looks like they went on a following spree.  Some would argue that it gives you an idea of how important they are. For example, Lord Sugar has nearly 1.5million followers but only follows 58 people.


And finally keep your tweets interesting and those followers will keep rolling in!


  1. Great little post and as a relatively new business (our online presence at least) we have found twitter to be a valuable way to contact and reach other like minded professionals.

    In regard to having a picture as your profile image then we feel that as we tweet as Philosophy Flowers it's more important to build an identity that people can instantly say 'that's Philosophy Flowers' no matter where they may come across us. This is the reason why we use our butterfly image instead of a personal picture. Also, for business staff come and go so it would be unwise to keep changing the picture to every new member who is in in charge of tweeting.

    oh...We are PhilosophyF on twitter by the way. x

  2. Thanks for the comment Philosophy Flowers! I agree with you on the profile image, much better to have a logo/picture that sums you up to tell the world who you are as a business x
